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Provider Training – Live Online

July 18-21, 2024.  We have added this summer training because over 50 people with cancer are waiting to get into our program, and we would like to shorten the waiting list.  However, we need nine people in the class to be able to hold it.  If you are interested, please sign up ASAP. (See below)

Become a LifeSpark Reiki or Healing Touch provider and find the incredible meaning in supporting someone with cancer!  This 18-hour 4-day training is Thursday & Friday evenings (6-9 PM), and Saturday & Sunday (9 AM – 4 PM). (Mountain Time Zone)

This 18-hour Seminar is online (on Zoom) and interactive with break-out rooms and assignments. You will receive a 100-page manual in the mail before the training.


  • Prior Training: You must already be trained in Reiki or Healing Touch (Level II or Second Degree or higher).
  • Experience: You must have given at least 50 full sessions to attend the seminar. (can be to friends, family, clients, etc).
  • Enrollment form: Fill out the enrollment form to attend the seminar HERE.
  • Seminar attendance: You must attend the LifeSpark Provider Seminar.  You cannot opt out of this.
  • Fees: The seminar costs $249. Note that $200 of this is reimbursable (if you request it) after you have given 16 LifeSpark sessions.
  • Financial Aid: For those with financial challenges, we offer financial aid for this seminar.
    • Financial Aid form HERE .
    • Once your financial aid is approved, make your payment HERE . (in the Other Amount field)
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