Treatment Signup

What we Do image for Treatment sign up Lifespark Cancer ResourcesSign up for healing therapy today!

You will be connected with one of our Healing Touch or Reiki providers, and you will receive between four and eight weeks of free wellness sessions for the best support and care possible on your cancer healing journey! These sessions can lower stress, depression, and pain, and may strengthen your body’s healing abilities.

  Receiving LifeSpark sessions has never been easier. During the pandemic, LifeSpark switched to remote sessions to keep everyone safe.  We have now given remote sessions to nearly 400 individuals with cancer, and will continue with them because we can serve people no matter where they live. 

IN-PERSON SESSIONS: Right now most locations have long waiting lists.  We are working diligently to solve this, but it will take time.  In the the meantime please consider signing up for remote sessions. 
One exception is the Loveland area, where we can get you matched pretty quickly. 

Many people report that although the provider is not physically in the room, the benefits are at least as valuable and effective. They experience peace, calm, and deep relaxation.  Or they may feel warmth, visuals like a dream, or they fall asleep. Some report not feeling anything at all. But they notice later that they slept better, pain was less, or that they were more calm.  Any and all of these are normal.

Reiki and Healing Touch are gentle hands-on energy therapies that support relaxation and balance on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. They support your natural ability to heal and are safe for all ages. Both modalities work in harmony with traditional medical care.