Publicity-In the News

Our therapies in the news

Attitudes about Reiki and Healing Touch are slowly changing as more and more people are using and valuing these therapies.

sandy priester of lifespark now speaking at an event in denver colorado

ShoutOut Colorado Article

ShoutOut Colorado recently interviewed Sandy Priester about how she views risk-taking in her role as Executive Director of LifeSpark.  This article

LifeSpark featured article in Healing Beyond Borders

Healing Beyond Borders Newsletter

LifeSpark was featured in the 4th quarter Perspectives in Healing newsletter published by Healing Beyond Borders.  The article, titled How LifeSpark Switched

CNTV Interview About LifeSpark

Gary Atencio of Consumer News TV interviewed Sandy Priester, LifeSpark Executive Director, and Nicole Giles, oncology nurse about the Reiki

Screenshot of the LifeSpark Cancer Resources feature on Health Journeys website

Feature on Health Journeys Website

Health Journeys is a Guided Imagery company that provides guided imagery audio files for hospitals, organizations, and companies around the