LifeSpark Updates

Woman relaxing on a couch with eyes closed listening to headphones while she receives a remote LifeSpark session.

Six thousand remote sessions

Since 2020, LifeSpark has delivered 6,261 remote Reiki and Healing Touch sessions to 425 cancer patients and caregivers in our

In-Person Session Locations

We are so grateful to our location partners who provide free space during their non-busy times for LifeSpark sessions with

Nearly 500 served in 2023

By Sandy Priester, Executive Director. Thanks to your support, LifeSpark served nearly 500 people last year!!! We delivered 2,789 Reiki

Silver Linings

By Sandy Priester. Many of you have told us that we have been a blessing to you or your loved

Where We Go From Here

10/13/2021.  By Sandy Priester Before Covid, LifeSpark was providing hands-on Reiki and Healing Touch sessions for people with cancer at