Cancer patient gives back by becoming a LifeSpark Reiki Provider

By Barbara Reinish.

When Kathy Trujillo was diagnosed with Stage-3 breast cancer in 2016, the last thing she would have imagined was that her LifeSpark sessions would lead to both her recovery and to subsequently becoming a LifeSpark provider herself. At the time, she was a software administrator with a young daughter to support, since her husband had, tragically, passed away. Her grandmother and an aunt had had breast cancer as well. So when she found out that she would need extensive treatment, she had a lot of worries.

Although she had never heard of energy healing and was skeptical, Kathy was open to integrative modalities such as acupuncture and naturopathy.  She was freaking out, but willing to consider whatever tools were available. Luckily, a close friend told her about LifeSpark, and it turned out that her oncologist was a big supporter of the organization. Kathy was partnered with a provider (also named Kathy), who was both a Reiki practitioner and teacher. Her weekly sessions soon made a big difference in calming her anxiety, reducing nausea, and contributing to faster recoveries after surgery.

By 2018, Kathy felt healthy enough to think about the future. She knew that she wanted to help others who felt the kind of paralyzing uncertainty she had. She also knew firsthand the power of energy work to calm the spirit, relax the body, and facilitate self-healing. It was her good fortune to learn Reiki from “her Kathy” and become a Reiki Master in 2019. She was paired with her first LifeSpark participant in October 2019. She was also determined to get strong again, so she joined Feisty, Female Cancer Survivors of Colorado, and has recently begun training for a triathlon.

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