Ocular Melanoma podcast-Reiki and Healing Touch

Three women are talking about Reiki and Healing Touch. Denver, LifeSpark Cancer Resources

Sandy Priester of LifeSpark was recently featured in a podcast for A Cure in Sight, an Ocular Melanoma foundation. Danet Peterson, podcast host, interviewed Sandy and discussed her own experience with Reiki as an ocular melanoma survivor. View the podcast video HERE.

The episode provides an in-depth look at Life Spark’s mission to enhance the quality of life for individuals dealing with cancer by offering Reiki and Healing Touch therapies. These therapies focus on balancing energy and promoting relaxation. Sandy explains the benefits for cancer patients, such as stress reduction, pain relief, and emotional support.

When asked what people experience in the LifeSpark program, Sandy replied “People come into our program stressed. And they leave after a session totally relaxed.” 

In this podcast, you will learn:

  • What Reiki and Healing Touch are and how they benefit cancer patients
  • The mission and values of Life Spark
  • Success stories of cancer patients who have experienced significant improvements through Reiki and healing touch therapies
  • The science behind Healing Touch and Reiki and their effectiveness in reducing stress
  • How Reiki and Healing Touch sessions help cancer patients cope with their diagnosis, treatment, and recovery
  • Personal experiences and heartfelt testimonials from patients
  • The future potential of holistic cancer care and the growing acceptance of complementary therapies in mainstream medicine

Both of the podcast hosts have experience with Reiki.  According to Megan, who is a Reiki practitioner  “I don’t even know how to describe it. You feel relaxed and better, calmer, more centered, more balanced.  I love it, and I cant really explain why.“ 

Danet has used Reiki in combination with sound healing and said that “It is energizing, and I feel like it helps me a lot with just handling the emotions of a cancer diagnosis that I get to deal with on a personal level.”

Throughout the episode, Sandy shares powerful success stories from Life Spark, highlighting the transformative impact of these holistic therapies on cancer patients’ well-being.  One story was  about Christine, who had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer for the third time. “She had been through it all before and she wasn’t sure she wanted to continue. Maybe God was calling her home. And then she started LifeSpark sessions. She had this one session where the next morning when she woke up she noticed that something was different…… She realized that she wanted to live!

This was a huge turning point for Christine. It was a catalyst.  She started taking better care of herself, eating better, getting the support she needed.  And she did live for many years after that.“

The episode ends with Sandy looking to the future. She expresses optimism about the growing acceptance of holistic therapies in mainstream cancer care and their potential integration into standard treatment protocols.

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