Absolute love

By Deborah Fox.

Everything was going great for Lauren. A day before New Year’s several years ago, she and her husband moved to Colorado Springs. She had a 5-year-old son and was living a healthy lifestyle and looking forward to plenty of good things in the new year.

A week before her 37th birthday, a doctor’s visit revealed a dreaded surprise, out of the blue. She had a biopsy for a suspicious lump – it could be cancer, but the doctor was not too worried. However, results came back: “triple negative”, which usually affects younger women. She would need chemo, radiation and surgery.

She hooked up with Julie and LifeSpark after a zoom meeting. She had no idea what Reiki was and had looked into it before she was diagnosed, so when she needed it, she was very receptive. “I am a hippy at heart, so why not try it?”

As far as chemo goes, she was lucky and didn’t have terrible sick effects. Reiki helped a lot with that.

She described Reiki experiences as the closest thing to “absolute love. Very soul-lifting, very out of body.” She could see the Universe and could understand the big picture. “Spiritually and emotionally it was a nice time to calm down and relax”, she said. Lauren said she had lots of support during treatment for physical things. Reiki supported her other needs. “Intuitively, I knew it was right.”

Although she has experienced both live sessions and those delivered remotely, both were very intense and had many benefits. Her advice to others: “Go into it with an open mind. It’s not going to hurt anything. It’s only going to help.”

Lauren was motivated to complete Reiki training and continues to make changes to de-stress in her life. She is finished with radiation. Now, she says she is truly living. “Everything showed me what’s important, what’s not.”

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