1/06/2023. By Sandy Priester.
It is a new year and an opportunity to reflect.
What are you leaving behind in 2022?
What are you proud of related to 2022?
What would you like to bring forward in 2023?
If you put your hands on your heart and close your eyes, you will not only feel the warmth of your body, but perhaps you will also sense something deeper. The pulse, the energy, the love that radiates out from you. You might ask your heart what it wants. What does it long for? What is your heart’s deepest desire?
We all want and need love, and strands of love connect us to one another. We were born for this connection. As we open our hearts to give and receive, it is an unfolding mystery that allows us to live into our destiny. Our connection with others not only feeds us, but it also heals us.
May 2023 be the year when we fling open the doors to our heart and embrace our connection to all beings. For only when we work together can we solve the most pressing problems that our planet faces.