By Dan Fair
While continuing to recover from a recent cancer diagnosis and treatment plan, I found myself wanting to identify with a cancer-related organization in the greater Denver community. There are many options to choose from including local chapters of the national societies, health and wellness organizations, prevention, cure, etc. But what I was really looking for was something local and of immediate benefit to a cancer patient and/or family members.
I began my search on the website provided by Metro Volunteers (an excellent way to filter your community aspirations, by the way), and quickly found LifeSpark Cancer Resources. LifeSpark connects cancer patients along the Front Range, especially those struggling with chemo and radiation side effects, with a network of skilled practitioners in Reiki and Healing Touch energy therapies. The patient receives a combination of physical wellness sessions, emotional support, and enlightenment through a series of 12 sessions.
This was exactly the local and immediate proposition I was looking for. I was very pleased to be asked to join the LifeSpark Board and to chair the Corporate Funding Committee. The Board has recently approved some significant service and fee changes that should allow LifeSpark to increase its patient and provider bases. Watch for news of these changes in future blogs and communications.
Local and immediate benefit for cancer patients struggling to remain energetic and in control of their traditional therapies and ongoing lives: a terrific concept. Learn more about LifeSpark, Reiki, and Healing Touch on this website.